Sunday, October 19, 2008


So the whole 'dating' title - it's just a facade. I mean who wouldn't read your blog if you have a post dedicated to dating? I know when I hear the word 'dating' my interest is usually peaked fairly quickly.

This post is about pet-peeves. Everyone has them - they're weird (ever notice how weird is spelled with an E before an I even though it doesn't follow a C? Weird, huh?) but we all have them, and I think it's fun to try and point them out. One thing that I have noticed is that it's usually easier to point out someone else's pet-peeves than it is to identify your own. My roommate Reed for example - we have lived together for 3 years now, and I know his pet-peeves. Probably better than he does. But, with a little help from Reed, I have identified many of my own pet-peeves, which I will now be so gracious as to share with you.

1 - The little thingy in the shower. The pin that you pull to make the water come out of the shower instead of going into the tub. I like for that to be down. The reason is this: I hate it when I get in to turn on the shower and - not expecting it to come out of the shower - am surprised by a blast of icy water when I first turn it on. Also it drips and wastes water. Peace, Love, Granola.

2 - Routines. I don't like my routines to get messed up. Before I got to bed every night I always do the following (in the order given): Wash my face, brush my teeth, say my prayers, stretch, make my going to bed noises (hard to explain over a blog post), place my pillow under my knees while lying on my back (I do this until I am almost asleep), then I turn over onto my stomach and sleep with a pillow under my one arm.

3 - People who do stupid things. Not just people who do stupid things - but, people who know better and do stupid things. It drives me bonkers when I know that someone knows better and still does something stupid.

4 - Loud things. I don't mind loud things in loud places (football games, carnivals, rodeos, etc.) but, I hate when people have loud things in the wrong places. The car that revs it's engine 546 times outside our window at 1AM, the person in the cougareat talking on their phone loud enough for everyone in the WILK to hear them, the person in the movie sitting behind you who sniffs every 5 secs so loud you thought he was bending down to get close to your ear to do it, and so forth.

5 - Dirty hands. I'm no OCD (at least if I am I don't know about it) but I really like to have clean hands. I wash my hands a lot - especially while cooking - to make sure they are clean. I also like to have a nice wash rag to dry my hands on after I wash them. I bought some for our apartment and I wash them every week.

6 - When things don't work. That may seem like an odd category but it drives me nuts when something that is supposed to be working won't work the way it's supposed to. My car, computer, cell-phone, etc. I hate it when something doesn't work - it always seems to happen at just the wrong time.

7 - Wet toes. It drives me nuts when my toes are wet. I always dry off in between them in the mornings. Don't know why - just can't stand it.

8 - Fruity Gum. I seriously want to throw up just smelling it. It makes it 10X worse when someone chews fruity gum and smacks it. I feel bad but I made up my own rule for the MTC - No fruity gum in class - ever!

9 - Doctrinally incorrect statements that are used in church. Christ never said (that we have record of) " I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it."

10 -Parking in provo.

Anywho, those are some of my pet-peeves. I thank you not to judge, I promise, for the most part, I'm still a pretty normal person. Feel free to share your #1 pet peeve, I would love to hear about them


the Danosaur said...

My biggest pet peeve is people who title their blog posts "dating" and then don't actually talk about dating...

Just kidding. One of my weirder pet peeves is when people wad up their candy wrappers (especially little aluminum ones, like hershey kisses) into little balls. Gross.

By the way, does ANYONE like it when the shower valve thing gets left up?!

Logg said...

Why do you have to go and deceive me like that? I was expecting a rant about dating, how wrong I was.

Trevor Butler said...

Back-seat drivers!
...only when i actually no where i'm going though.
'i'd be in that lane if I were you.'
'why didn't you run that yellow?(or red)'
'umm...i usually like to turn there.'

that just (back-seat) drives me NUTS!

Kevin & Rhiannon said...

I always rinse dirty dishes off before scrubbing them (which then goes into the actual dishwasher). I can't stand it when a dish scrubber is dirty. Gross.

just a little bit mo said...

A pet-peeve of mine . . . when people make other people feel stupid. That includes back-seat drivers, people who tell you how to run your own microwave, blender, etc. I'm open to criticism (let's be honest, I'm used to it as a photo major). The difference here is not a matter of receiving constructive criticism, it's all about one person imposing their way of doing things (or their political views, opinions, etc.) on someone else.

Glenn said...

I hate it when someone blows their nose and then leaves the kleenex in the toilet and doesn't flush it. I had a companion who did that and he couldn't understand why that upset me so much.


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