Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pig Tails & Overalls

Can I just put in a plug for pig tails and overalls. It seems like no matter how many girls I talk to they all think that pig tails and overalls are ''not cute" and ''so third grade.'' I think they both look very cute on girls. Pig tails give girls this look of cute and blissful innocence that I find very attractive. Overalls do the very same thing.

I'm not really sure why girls would think these negative things about pig tails and overalls (if you feel inclined to clue me in please do) - I mean, when I was in third grade I wore plaid shorts and a t-shirt. I don't hear too many guys complaining about plaid shorts or t-shirts these days.
Can I also add one disclaimer? I think the pig tails look the best when they are braided (I don't know enough to know if that has a different name than a pig tail - like maybe a braided tail or something) and those are definitely preferable. As far as overalls go - go with khaki.


Kevin & Rhiannon said...

I kept my old overalls until this past year in case they "came back." I don't know why, but the style just died a while back...unless you're a farmer, redneck, or toddler. Hey, maybe it will make its return someday. I still like pigtails too.

Melanie said...

With the photo of the ugly guy, I have a hard time taking you seriously... :)

Jillian said...

I don't mind overalls. They're comfy like big, fat hoodies. And they're fun for dancing hip hop routines in actually... wore some today as a matter of fact.

But really, I think most girls these days don't like them for normal stuff since overalls: 1. aren't really in fashion and 2. they typically make them look bigger. Kind of stupid since they are comfortable, but whatever.

Camille said...

Overalls are still incredibly cute, pigtails have been made to be uncute by the likes of Britney Spears and other pop teen idols, however, I still believe they are cute and completely agree that braided is better.


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