Sunday, November 9, 2008

Role Reversal

So, me, Bryce, and Reed were all sitting in his front room just shooting the breeze and we started talking about dating (I know, I know - big surprise right?). Well Reed had an epiphany that I believe is worth mentioning. He had the thought:

What if we switched roles for a month? For example - we talk to President Samuelson, and here at BYU for a month we do a social experiment. Guys and girls switch roles for a month. Girls have to ask guys out (and the expectation is at least 1 date a week - this is the expectation for guys right now so it shouldn't be any different for girls), girls pay, and girls take the lead role in planning the date, leading the conversation, and showing they are interested. Guys on the other hand try to flirt with girls they would like to be asked out by, they turn down or accept date offers, etc.
Wouldn't that be incredible? I think it would be fascinating - I mean, think about it. Guys would finally understand what it feels like to be the only one of your roommates no asked out, to be the one who hasn't been on a date in weeks and really can't do anything about it, to be on a date with someone you really don't want to be with, etc. Girls would finally understand what it feels like to drop 40 bones on someone only to have them turn you down the next time, to be turned down by someone you are interested in, to have to plan and come up with new and innovative dating ideas, etc.

I personally think this would be awesome - just to open all our eyes a bit to what it's like for the opposite gender. Any thoughts?


Marian said...

that's a very interesting dating theory you have, but given the different roles mena nd women play I don't think it would work very well. most women like guys to take the initiative. It makes them feel special. just my opinion. Have a great day.

Brendon said...

Brilliant! Genius idea!
That's all I have to say about that :)

Livin' The Dream said...

Personally....I think it's SO smart and would wake girls up to the way they treat guys these days. Maybe it would help girls understand the difficulty boys go through and the time, energy, money, and so much more. Although I like to be treated special and liked I think that guys like to feel special and liked just like girls do. I think you boys are brilliant! :o)

Elizabeth said...

I don't want you to take this as the bitter rantings of a woman, but here are my thoughts in accordance with your blog. I understand that it's good to take a moment to step into another person's shoes . . . especially when it comes to the opposite gender. One of the reasons we are here is to learn to understand other people. Relationships are a god-given gift for us to learn to communicate and understand those of the opposite gender. So, kudos for suggesting we try to walk a mile in another person's shoes. However, I have a hard time when boys feel that if they spend money on a girl and the girl ends up not being interested in them that it's a waste of their money and their time. Are we not here to gain experience? If you choose to go on a date, you choose to have an experience that will help you further your progression in this life. And if it's money that you're worried about, don't spend it! There are a thousand things to do that don't cost a cent, and are usually more fun than your expensive limousine cruise down the beach. My advice is, man-up to your responsibility and accept the fact that your role is to ask out and care for another girl.

Camille said...

From my own personal experience, I don't think that it would change much. I've played both roles and it definitely didn't make a huge difference in my views on dating or towards it. Everyone male or female feels rejected, unwanted, and/or unlovable at one point or another. Hopefully they will eventually find an individual that they will love, want, and will recipricate such feelings and won't be rejected by them. Always hope for the best and look at the experiences and lessons learned versus the money spent. Plus if a girl likes a guy enough, she hopefully will ask him before he is smitten with another.

Ben said...

I personally like the idea. No attacking Scott for coming up with a new idea. Guys simply want girls to understand and appreciate the efforts that we do make and give you a little bit more "control", as you call it, over who you ask out. While I think this experiment would ultimately fail, I like the idea and can see some of the positives that could result. None of these positives have to do with money.


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