Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Road Trip

This past weekend me and 3 of my best buddies went to the BYU-Colorado State Football game. The game was in Colorado so we made a road trip of it. We left Provo on Friday around 3:30 in the afternoon and pulled into Denver around Midnight. We spent the night with some of Reed's family. They were incredibly gracious to us (offering us beds, a wonderful hot breakfast, too many treats for even Fish to eat, and a great lunch before the game) and we had a great time with them. Saturday morning was spent playing outdoor volleyball (3 on 3) in a local park - my team won - poor Reed, Steve, and Bouch.
Then we headed for the game. Boy was it a game. BYU gave us a great scare - waiting until there was abou 1:12 left in the game to finally seal up the deal.
They really know how to watch a football game there in Colorado. The stadium was located out in the middle of a huge field (no parking lot - just a lot of dirt, cowpies, and beer cans) and when we pulled up we could tell that they had been partying for awhile. There were trucks everywhere (in fact the only thing I saw more of than truck s was beer) and everybody was pretty plastered.
After the game we waited for a little while before taking off - we wanted to let all the drunk people get in their cars and drive a little before we joined them on the road.

We drove halfway home that night and spent the night in podunkville Wyoming @ a super 8 before coming the rest of the way home in time for an afternoon sacrament meeting.
A few highlights from the trip:
To break up the monotony of the trip we decided we would all sing our new favorite song at the top of our lungs. We sang "Love Story," by Taylor Swift 13 times that trip. Tears were shed, voices cracked, and gosh darn it I love that song.

We passed numerous windmills on the way. It was always interesting to see a line of them - all of them but one would be spinning. The same wind, same location, yet some were spinning quickly, while others weren't moving at all. Me and Reed had a pleasant conversation as we related this to dating. Same people, same place, same game, and yet some are really working it (having success) while others appear to be completely stationary. Interesting how that works out isn't it?

We also stopped at the Abraham Lincoln monument in Nowhereville, Wyoming. We saw two gay cowboy truckers with their arms behind each others backs as they walked. Yes, the words: "two", "cowboy", & "gay" all describe the truckers. Rather distrubing.


Livin' The Dream said...

AAHHH....I'm so glad you guys had fun! Not only did you see a GREAT game but you saw a little bit of what Wyoming is all about! OH DEAR! Miss ya!

Jillian said...

Hey! I posted that song on my blog a week or two ago. Good stuff! You guys have always had awesome taste with songs. Way to be :)

Brendon said...

Oh, how I love you guys! I just listened to the Taylor Swift song, imagining you boys singing your lungs out in the car...oh, the memories!

I just love how bonded you three are (and will always be). And it's even better that you're so open to a fourth man. Glad you had a fun trip!

We're excited to see you in December!!!

Glenn said...

Motel 8? You guys done with hostels already?

Melanie said...

I think I stayed at that same pudunk super 8 about 1 1/2 years ago (in Rawlins, right?). I've been out to Colorado that way too many times--and just drove it today. Ugh! There's not much that's pretty about I-80 through Wyoming.


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