Monday, March 17, 2008

Skater Boy?

So, I had this conversation the other night with a good friend of mine. She was telling me about her life, her relationship struggles, etc. It was a good talk and I think I learned a lesson. You see, girls can be placed in any one of many categories: pretty girl, skater girl, punk rocker, california girl, ditzy girl, nice girl, sweetie, sporty girl, sassy girl, crazy girl, etc. But, no matter the category, I think there are a few things that all girls want. Now, I don't know - or claim to be the expert at all - but, this particular girl I was talking to would probably fit in the 'skater girl' category. She's very outgoing, active, into skateboarding, short hair, punk rock, music, etc. Comes across at first glance as your classic skater girl - I mean I look at her and I want to start singing Avril Lavigne (minus the obscenities - she's like the mormon version). So, being the dumb guy I am my first impression would be: "Oh, she probably wants a really tough, punky, skater, fo-hawk wearing skater guy. I mean, that would be the logical thing to my brain. But, the longer I talked to her the more I realized that that wasn't what she was looking for at all - she wants a "cute boyfriend." And by 'cute' I don't mean looks (although she probably wants that too), she wants a caring boyfriend. She wants a guy who is going to open her door for her, bring her flowers, text her at 3AM to say 'i love you,' come over early to scrape her windshield, help her stand up, etc. Herein lies the problem: dumb boys look at her and think: "She's a skater-girl; she must want a skater-boy (see above definition)." And, so the boys try and be what they think she is looking for and to everyone around it seems to be perfect - ahh, there's a nice skater-girl with her skater-boy and they must be wonderfully happy. But, they aren't because she really wants a 'sappy, cheesy, caring-boy' but doesn't know how to let 'Mr. I'm trying to be a skater boy good boyfriend for my skater-girl girlfriend' know that that's what she wants. Anyway, I don't have any sort of solution for this problem, just thought it was interesting. It does seem to me that no matter what type of girl she is, she probably still wants to be treated in such a way that her roommates can ask about the date and as she relates in impressive detail the events of the night they can all go: "Ahh, that is so cute!" - even if she is a sassy skater-girl.
I wonder what kind of boy girls see me as? What kind of girl am I looking for? Do I ever try to change to be the guy I think a girl is looking for? Are the girls I meet just trying to be the girl they think I would be interested in? Hmm. . .


Greg said...

I think they look at you and associate you with your dad and since nobody compares to your mom, they just forget it.

Sarah Rose said...
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Kevin & Rhiannon said...

You're deep. Reminds me of long talks in the Pastry Kitchen. :)

Stephanie said...

Don't think too much! ;)

Stephanie said...

Don't think so hard ;)

Emily said...

You attract people that are like you. Some people think that appearance doesn't matter and it shouldn't, but it does. Skater boys will be attracted to skater girls. Be the the person that you would want to marry.


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