Friday, January 4, 2008

Guitar Hero

So the other night I played guitar hero for the first time. I was pretty skeptical at first but oh my good golly goodness that was awesome. I only got to play 3 times before I felt like I was intruding on the people who owned the house/wii (I didn't know them, a friend of a friend). My last round I played a level 5 and hit 93% of the notes! Over the break I also played the wii (boxing & tennis) for the first time and I'm hooked. What is it about electronically doing things we can't do nearly as well in real life that makes it so fun?
I don't know if I want my kids to have the wii - it's a good exercise (I was sweating), but is it what I want my kids to experience? What if my kids never actually played tennis but played to a 'professional' level on the wii?


Logg said...

I have Guitar Hero and you would never be intruding.

Rach, Mike, Allie and Hadley said...

I agree with you on the Wii thing; we gave friends who own one and it is a much more group/interactive electronic game than others I have played and it was a lot of fun, but we lost track of time and played 'till midnight (which in married life is late). I am thinking about doing what was in the Ensign for January and having kids earn TV time or game time by doing service, playing outside or things like that. Don't know yet though.


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