Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Lesson Plan

I thought today's class was both insightful and fun. It is fun to actually take a real life situation and go through the steps required to accomplish what you need to. It gave me a bunch of ideas for cool things I could use a whole semester for to go through with kids. I think it would be so fun to talk to the administration at a school and get it approved to have a student redo the school logo, etc. I think it would be awesome to have your kids design a new floor for the gym, or football field. Fun stuff like that where the kids could actually see what they did go to work - another one I just thought of: why don't we let the kids design their own senior pictures, backdrops, t-shirts, etc. Today was a good experience because it forced us to think through the process from start to finish and deal with some of the real life situations that we will encounter.

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