Tuesday, September 4, 2007

20 Stick Game

I liked how Geoff talked about breaking hard things up into small pieces today. I just received a new calling in my ward and I have been feeling a little in over my head. I think that at times the Lord gives us just enough so that we feel overwhelmed and will rely on Him. Too often I don't take the time to break my huge decisions, trials, assignments, etc. into smaller pieces and simply focus on winning the small battle or accomplishing the small task.

I also thought it was pertinent that we talked about reflection and the fact that true reflection is not just reliving what happened but changing as a result of it. I think of TTE 125, or 225 and all the things I learned and then promptly forgot, or simply didn't use. I think my resolution this semester is to actually put into practice the things that I learn and not allow them to just pass through me.

1 comment:

Leah said...

I too often fail to chunk info - hopefully, as a teacher you will be able to to do that for your students in an effort to best facilitate their learning.


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