Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Annual List of Banished Words

Apparently there is a group in Michigan that gets together every year and chooses words that they believe should be banished from the English language. They took over 5000 nominations of words, phrases, and other such jargon that people deemed banishable (yes I know that's not a real word).

This year was a record year because for the first time ever the list included an emoticon. The heart formed from a "less than" symbol and a number 3.

Rough year for love all around...

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Hey Scott! Remember me? Your long lost first hand hold... I saw that you had commented on Melinda's blog and found your blog from there. Hope things are good with you :) I think about you and your wonderful family sometimes. If you are interested in seeing me and my family my blog is:

Superlong, but there you have it. Anyway it was good to read a few things. I loved Enchanted too :)


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