Monday, August 25, 2008

Haircuts & Nintendos

I was just thinking today about haircuts. Haircuts are great for many reason (all of which I will not take the time to discuss here) but I want to discuss one of my favorite reasons for haircuts.
When you get a new haircut it's like a fresh start - you're a new person - it's like a new chapter in your life. I always love getting my haircut right after I take midterms - My mom cuts it, I shower and then when I step out and look at myself in the mirror I think: "Self, your a new man. You haven't bombed any tests with this haircut, you haven't offended anyone with this haircut, you haven't had any embarrassing moments, bad days, etc. with this haircut. So don't screw it up"

It's almost like you get a new identity - untarnished, with no baggage, etc. Now as I have thought about it the interesting thing is that from as far as I can tell this affect only affects the receiver of the haircut. When my buddies get haircuts I don't look at them and think: "Oh, wow - this is the post-haircut Steve I am dealing with now..." but the receiver of the haircut gets the wonderful new chapter feeling. Interesting.
While we are on the topic of new identities I found this website that allows you to generate a new name, email address, mom's name, social security #, etc. It's pretty cool.
Anyway - I was trying to think of other things/events in life that seem to signify a new chapter in life(aside from spiritual events such as baptism and taking the sacrament at church) and from as far as I can tell nothing happens as frequently as a haircut. Thank goodness for haircuts and the chance to "start over." It's almost like the reset button on the old nintendo game systems.


Bryce said...

man i had to read all the way to the last line to figure out how nintendo fit in.

Melanie said...

You should try moving to a small, dinky town--if that doesn't give you a new identity, I'm not sure what does. :)


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