Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Well it's that time of year again. The time when stress abounds, finals get taken out one by one, tears flow, and good-bye's are said. It's also the time when flip flops start appearing, the lock on the pool disappears, and me and my roommates start singing Grease songs. What a great time of year it is. I'm sad at this season as once again I need to say goodbye to so many people who I have grown to love. I'll miss things like Garrett's laugh (which is raucous, violent, and quite entertaining if you've never heard it), Chase's voice (which I heard many a morning coming through the vent from downstairs), Bob's puns, Bouch's ability to connect me with the real world, Brusky's laugh and random noises whenever I would massage his shoulders. Good times, good memories.
But, once again - it's time to move on. On to bigger and better - new people, new roommates, new experiences. Isn't it weird how that happens? We meet people who we swear we'll never forget, who we consider some of our closest friends, and inevitably the time comes when we all have to move on. People graduate, go home, get jobs, or just move to another ward. We go our separate ways, and try as you might - you can't ever really go back to how it was. You can't ever re-live all those old memories. But, you know what? I think maybe it's supposed to be that way. We couldn't possible function if we always had all the people we have ever known or loved around us at all times. It would be chaos - way too many people to talk to, things to do, etc. I guess the only thing we can take with us is the memories and the lessons learned. But how cool is that? We get to start over again, meet a whole bunch of new people, and make a whole bunch of new memories. Only this time - you've got the added experience from the things learned previously.
So, while I am sad at this time to say goodbye to so many friends, I'm also pretty darn happy. Bring on the warm weather, the long warm nights, the stars, the new friends, and the new experiences. I'm sure that I'll get to see a lot of them again - that's the way life works - real friends always seem to show up again at random moments. Usually right when you need 'em.

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