Friday, February 8, 2008

Country Dancing

I would just like to make a case for country dancing as a good idea for a first date. I took a gilr the other night and it was our first date - at first I was a bit apprehensive as the potential for failure is great anytime you do something like country dancing, but, I was pleasantly surprised by how well it worked out. It was awesome! First of all: country dancing involves touching - now don't take that wrong, it's just that you break down the touch barrier right away. There's no weird awkwardness, etc. Second: if you take a dancer (which I did) it provides the girl an opportunity to be in her element, to be comfortable, and to teach you some really cool stuff. Then if you have any athletic ability and can catch on quickly you can quickly impress her. I like letting the girl be in her element on the first date so that she's comfortable and she can just be herself. Third: country music - I mean where else can you 'YEEEEEEEEEE-HAW' and fit in with everyone. Fourth: there are a lot of boys in really awkwardly tight pants, really gay looking suspenders, overalls, etc. It makes you look good in comparison. And last but not least: I challenge you to pick me a first date that allows you to look at your date more - I mean it's too bad for her cause all she has to do is stare at your face, but it can be great for you if that's the only thing you can really do. Anyhow - I make my case that country dancing is a great first date idea.


Greg said...

Awesome. I just hate that I stink at country dancing.

Logg said...

I'm horrible at country dancing and I try to cover up my lack of skill by saying how much I hate it and how people who do it are gay. But the truth is I'm jealous, I'm finally admitting it to you, I wish I were an excellent dancer.

Jillian said...

Top quality for realizing the amazing world of dancing and dates. Even if the guy doesn't know how to dance, it's alway fun as a dancer to go with a guy that wants to have fun at something you love to do. Kudos to you too for helping the girl feel comfortable on a date. Very wise of you.


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