Saturday, January 26, 2008

A midsummer night's dream

So last night I went on a date. It was a blind date - you know how those can go . . . But, it was actually way fun. She was really cool, easy to talk to, fun, outgoing, cute as a button, etc. But, the real reason I' blogging right now is because last night's play was a Shakespeare play. Well, I wasn't too excited about that to be quite frank, but I was so taken back. After the first 15 minutes I was more confused than I had been since I saw Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are dead awhile back. I had not the slightest clue what the heck was going on - what's worse the 10 year old kid in front of me seemed to be doing totally fine. But, as time went on the loose-ends started getting tied and it all started coming together. It was absolutely hilarious and I left there wishing that I could fork out another $20 and see it again. I know that my audience of people who read this blog is like 3 but I would highly recommend to all of you that you go and see it. They had tons of Capoeira in it - and that was entertaining in and of itself. Plus the guy who does all the flips is a kid from my Dance 180 class. There is a play within the play that will make you tear up it's so funny - and of course Genna kisses some random guy over and over . . . That seems to be her part in every play I've seen her in. Maybe I need to get into drama . . .


Logg said...

I had a similar experience, but replace 'play' with 'opera' and it was actually about the coolest thing ever.
Face it Scott, we're just two extremely cultured individuals. (and the ladies love that)

Greg said...

Awesome. I was totally against seeing this play with Jessica until I read your post. You da man.

Genevieve said...

well Scott... I know I am a little late in replying to this thread, but thanks for the compliments nonetheless.

I'm telling you scott ... drama is the way to go.


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